This file was made on October 25, 2004 How to build GAMESS version 19 MAY 2004 (R4) with CHARMM: This is example for gnu platforms, but it should work with others, too. 1. run gnu medium M Q This way one obtains appropriate compile directory structure 2. unpack and untar the charmm-gamess-patches.tar.gz file to some empty directory 3. copy blur.src ddi.src to source/gamint directory 4. copy gukini.src to source/gukint directory 5. copy all gamess/source files from GAMESS distribution to source/gamint/gamess 6. overwrite files from this gamess directory to source/gamint/gamess 7. copy gamess.fcm to the source/fcm directory 8. delete the following file from source/gamint/gamess: vector.src 9. copy gmscomp_gnu to the tool directory 10. cd tool 11. gnu # or whatever your platform is 12. rm -r lib 13. gnu # or whatever your platform is Depending on the CHARMM version you may experience some name clashes, ie the subroutine has the same name in the CHARMM and in the GAMESS. The fix is simply to rename the subroutines and corresponding calls in one of the programs.